Mark Vigeant will reprise his monthly comedy show, Internet Explorers, taking place at Caveat on October 17, 2019, to dig into the wild and wacky world of TikTok.
Featuring Kalhan Rosenblatt (NBC News), Rebecca Jennings (Vox), Lauren Strapagiel (Buzzfeed), and Rachel Pegram (The Chris Gethard Show, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, The Late Show) - and with more performers to be announced - Mark and his guests will give enlightening and hilarious talks on various aspects of the social media platform, such as "E-Boys, Explained," "An Anthropological Overview of the Different TikTok Character Archetypes," and "Socially Conscious TikTok Moments."
In advance of the show, Mark has tasked himself with "creating a viral TikTok trend," the results of which he will share with the audience. Several comedians, including Rachel Pegram (and more to be announced), will fight to see who has the best TikTok videos in a live game show, "TikTokTank."
The entire event will be available to watch simultaneously on the Web, and for free, on Mark's live-streaming channel on Twitch at Those watching from home are encouraged to interact with Sam Reece, the event's live-stream moderator. Highlights from previous shows are available on the channel at