After earning great reviews with the First National Tour of IN THE HEIGHTS for his emotional portrayal of "Kevin Rosario," the hard-working father who gives up everything to send his only child to college, Danny Bolero will perform the role on Broadway for one week during the holiday season, running from November 29 through December 5.
Bolero has previous experience with both Broadway and this award-winning musical: he performed with the New York company for three and a half months in the beginning of 2009 as a member of the ensemble and understudy for "the Piragua Man."While on the road, Bolero has been singled out by critics across the country: "perfect" (Talkin Broadway, San Francisco); "Strongest among a solid cast ..." (Daily Pilot, Costa Mesa); " ... perfect and impressive .... his ‘Inutil' exquisitely sung" (Houston Chronicle); "exceptional" (Broadway World, St. Louis); "[a] strong and vibrant actor/singer" (Broadway World, LA); "Choke-you-up emotion from [Danny Bolero]" (Orange Country Business Journal.)For more tickets to and more information on In The Heights, visit