Internationally acclaimed one woman show Bette Davis AIN'T FOR SISSIES will stream live at from July 30 thru September 24. Written and performed by Jessica Sherr (Blue Bloods, Claws, Annie), this new 80-minute live streaming version is directed for the small screen by Karen Carpenter (Harry Townsend's Last Stand, Love Loss and What I Wore). The production also features costume elements from Bette Davis' personal wardrobe provided by her estate.
In Bette Davis AIN'T FOR SISSIES, Sherr channels 31-year old Bette Davis' fight against the male-dominated studio system. On the night of the 1939 Oscars, Davis returns home knowing she's to lose Best Actress to Vivien Leigh's Scarlet O'Hara, because the press has leaked the winners. Davis takes us on the bumpy ride of her tumultuous rise, as the tenacious actress fights her way through the studio system to the top, while triumphing over misogyny to win roles and compensation on par with her male counterparts. See what happens when someone who always wins...loses.
Bette Davis AIN'T FOR SISSIES premiered at the New York International Fringe Festival in 2008 and has gone on to sold-out five-star runs at Edinburgh Fringe Festival over three consecutive years, a month-long run in Chicago, a US tour in 2015, and a run at St. James Theater in London. The show has been seen in 12 US states including stops in Tucson, San Antonio, Roswell, San Jose and Little Rock, and three countries.
Tickets are $15, available at Performance dates and more information available at