HARRY & EDDIE: The Birth of Israel", which opened off-Broadway at St. Luke's Theatre on September 8th, will move to Actors Temple Theatre, 339 West 47th Street, beginning performances Wednesday, October 12th at 2 PM. The new performance schedule will be Wednesday and Sunday matinees at 2 PM and Saturday evenings at 8 PM. (The final performance at St. Luke's Theatre, 308 West 46th Street, will be Wednesday, October 5th at 2 PM)
"HARRY & EDDIE: The Birth of Israel" tells the largely-unknown story of how President Harry S. Truman's friendship with his former business partner, Eddie Jacobson, leads to the creation of Israel in 1948. Eddie Jacobson, a Jewish haberdashery salesman, and Harry Truman initially bonded during World War I where the Missouri men were put in charge of a struggling army canteen. The success of that venture leads to their joining forces after the war to open a haberdashery store in Kansas City, MO. When the depression hit and their store failed, Harry went into politics and Eddie went back on the road as a traveling salesman. In 1948, as the Zionists were struggling to convince President Truman to support the United Nation's recognition of Israel, Eddie was asked to push their unlikely friendship to the breaking point. The play, written by Mark Weston, directed by Bob Spiotto and produced by Jessimeg Productions, had its World Premiere on Thursday, September 8th at St. Luke's Theatre. It features Rick Grossman as Eddie Jacobson, Dan Hicks as Harry Truman and Lydia Gladstone as Bluma Jacobson.Videos