GI Joe Jared- World Premiere Comedy, Written & Directed by Amy E. Witting, Featuring: Kerry Fitzgibbons, Salomé M. Krell, and Billy Weimer
Two women realize the importance of friendship through a random blind date, GI Joe tarot cards, and a couple vodka sodas.
January 20th, 21st, 22nd at 7pm. One Hour $20
303 W. 42nd St. Suite 308
New York, NY 10036
(646) 329-6588
Kerry Fitzgibbons is a graduate of NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, where she studied drama at both Stella Adler and the Experimental Theater Wing. Most recently she has appeared on stage in "Americans in Basra", as well as "The Sword Politik" and "His Name is Edgar".
Salomé M. Krell is an actress based in NYC. She recently appeared in "His Name is Edgar" (also by Amy E. Witting), "Per Bacco" (performed in Stromboli, Italy), "My Wandering Boy" (directed by John Gould Rubin). When not performing (or modeling shoes) she spends her time designing and coordinating classes, workshops and international conferences. Upcoming projects include a workshop of The catalan play "Blood" directed by John Gould Rubin.
Billy Weimer has been acting in both plays and films for the past five years. His most recent plays include "Americans in Basra", "Boxed In", "The Sword Politik", and "His Name is Edgar". He is currently working on the independent feature film "Shelter in the Storm".
Amy E. Witting is an award winning playwright, filmmaker, actress, and teaching artist. Her work has been seen on multiple stages, and at various festivals including, The Sam French, Strawberry One-Act, The Network, and The Complex Theatre Project in Los Angeles. She has also worked with Survivors of Suicide (SOS), and vicitims of sexual abuse, helping individuals find their own unique voIce Through tragedy.