"Life on a Desert Island" - an interactive guide to surviving the wilderness and respecting the environment, based on Daniel Defoe's 1719 classic story of Robison Crusoe, now playing in a one-man outdoor spectacle play in Central Park (68th Street and Central Park West, just northwest of Sheep's Meadow) - performances continue Sunday, September 20 - Saturday, September 26 and Sunday, September 27 - all shows at 4:30PM. The show also played this summer in Brooklyn's Prospect Park.
No tickets or reservations are needed. Audiences may bring blankets and folding chairs. For show information and schedule, please visit the Theatre-Playground website: http://theatreplayground.com or call (646) 964-7007.
Robinson Crusoe, an English adventurer, finds himself the only survivor of a shipwreck on an island off the coast of Trinidad. Crusoe must find a way to survive on the island and overcome his fear of solitude. "Life on a Desert Island" is more than just the story of the adventures of a bearded man stranded on an island; it is also a spectacle about civilization. In his adventure in the wilderness, he follows the path from gatherer of plants, to hunter, to farmer and to craftsman. You will see skills that Crusoe conquers: how to identify edible plants, how make a shelter, a bow and arrow, a net, a trap, how to plant crops, and how to make a boat. The play is truly an adventure that addresses the eternal questions: how does one overcome silence, loneliness, fear, and how does one become a persevering and responsible person? "Life on a Desert Island" is a guide about surviving the wilderness and unity with the environment - and a timely reminder of how perilous life can be and how resourceful we can become in the face of adversity.
"We are happy to announce we're using all-natural materials and we've created a special play to be presented in the New York City Parks to give children of all ages the opportunity to experience the fun and excitement of an interactive theatre piece, while at the same time, learning to respect nature. This adaptation is Theatre-Playground's premiere production in New York City," says Voijn Paunovic, Director and Theatre-Playground Co-Founder. Paunovic and Biljana Ilic, the show's producer and Theatre-Playground co-founder, first staged "Life on Desert Island" in Belgrade, Serbia where it has been running for seven years.
"Life on a Desert Island" has been adapted from Defoe's popular novel by the playwright Ugljesa Sajtinac, one of the most acclaimed playwrights of the young generation of Serbian artists. In this production the role of Robinson Crusoe will be played by both Samuel Kirk and Jason Vance as they rotate the role of the adventurer in the multiple performances around the city.
Theatre -Playground Productions is an independent theatre company founded in 2003 in Belgrade. Theatre-Playground has produced two plays that have been running for seven years on its own open-air stage. The concept of the Belgrade production is unique: it is an interactive theatre for children - the playground is the set! When children visit the playground, they can re-live "Life on a Desert Island" or choose to create their own adventures. Paunovic's first professional production ran for more than twelve years. In addition, he's directed over 20 productions in Serbia. Biljana Ilic has more than ten years of international experience in media, TV, film, and theatre. More information about the company, cast, crew, production, plus full show schedule can be found at: http://theatreplayground.com, in addition to the companies Facebook page located at "Theatre-Playground Productions."