The show's story: Jimmy (Patrick Graver) is the legal guardian of his adoptive parents' three daughters, Frankie (Jessica Ernest), Dora (Caitlin Wilayto) and June (Whitney Winfield).
Frankie, the naughtiest of the three girls, has her diary confiscated by Jimmy because of its slanderous content. She schemes with Peter (Seth Danner) a playboy/aviator to retrieve the diary from Jimmy's safe, in which he has also placed his other ward, Dora's, valuable jewels.
Before Peter and Dora's beau, Dugsie (Blake Spellacy), can break into the safe, it is opened by bungling burglers Chester (Bill Bateman) and Herbert (Edward Tolve). But instead of taking the jewels, the crooks accidentally take the diary. Of course Peter and Dugsie take the other envelope - the one with the jewels.
Frankie, Peter and Dugsie try to escape to an inn in New Jersey, but are chased there by everyone else in the cast including a Police Sergeant (Doug Jabara).
Then it's on to Atlantic City where Pinky and Peter, Dora and Dugsie, Jimmy and June are joined by the rest of the cast - ChristIan Brown, Kacie Burns, Caleb Dicke, Giulia Dunes, Briana Fallon, Parker Krug, Andrea Weinzierl, and Kyle White for a happy ending.
Songs include: 'S Wonderful; My One and Only; He Loves and She Loves; The Babbitt and the Bromide; Let's Kiss and Make Up; High Hat; Shall We Dance
Director/Choreographer: Casey Colgan. Music Director/Vocal Arranger: James Stenborg. Resident Casting Director: Holly Buczek. Company Manager: Devin Vogel.
Performance Schedule: October 18-30; Tues; Wed; Thurs; Sat @ 7:30; Wed; FRI; Sat; Sun 2:00; Tickets are $27.25 at Telecharge 212- 239-6200 or the Box Office. Visit for more information.