STRIPPED SCRIPTS Theater Company will present the world premiere of CANARY SNUFF FILM, written by Elizabeth M. Kelly (LAByrinth, EST), Heidi Armbruster (Mrs. Christie at Dorset Theater Festival, Every Good Girl Deserves Fun... at Walker Space) and Maggie Diaz Bofill (Devil of Choice at LAByrinth, Winners at EST), and directed by Alfredo Narciso (LAByrinth, EST & Partial Comfort company member), Michelle Bossy (HBO Access Program semifinalist, Denham Fellowship recipient) and Jessica Bauman (Dorset Theater Festival resident director, New Georges).
CANARY SNUFF FILM runs from April 16 - May 2, 2020 in a limited engagement at Theatre Row (Theatre Four), located at 410 West 42 Street between 9 & 10 Avenues in New York City. Previews begin April 16 for an April 18 opening. Strindberg's Miss Julie, an exemplification of 19th century naturalism, has stood through the ages as an audacious commentary on gender, class, and agency. But what happens when it is read through the lens of contemporary culture? CANARY SNUFF FILM, an entirely new play, infuses Strindberg's origins of naturalism and earnest drama with a hearty dose of magical realism and an irreverent cheekiness, creating the lively and provocatively new: 'Magical Naturalism'. In this re-imagination, Julie, Jean and Kristine flap their wings wanting to be seen both for what they represented in the past and who they have come to be now. CANARY SNUFF FILM is, at its essence, an examination of how we confront issues from our history, to avoid repeating them.Videos