Sydney Theatre Company's forthcoming production of A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, directed by Liv Ullmann, is to tour to the United States. The production which will play at Sydney Theatre from 1 September to 10 October 2009, featuring STC Co-Artistic Director Cate Blanchett as Blanche DuBois, will run at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington from 29 October to 21 November 2009 and Brooklyn Academy Of Music (BAM), New York from 27 November to 20 December 2009.
STC Artistic Directors Andrew Upton and Cate Blanchett said: "We're thrilled the production will tour to the United States. Working with director Liv Ullmann is an extraordinary opportunity for the Australian artists and creative team and it will be exhilarating for Sydney Theatre Company to tour a classic American play, as seen through our eyes, back to an American audience."Director, actor and author, Liv Ullmann's name is synonymous with European cinema and theatre. She played a number of major roles as a permanent member of the Norwegian Theatre in Oslo as well as in productions in Sweden, Australia, London's West End and on Broadway. In film she is particularly well known for her collaborations with Ingmar Bergman and has been honoured with numerous awards and nominations. As director, Ullmann's work includes Sofie and Kristin Lauransdotter, both of which she also scripted, as well as Faithless, Private Confessions and Paul Claudel's Break of Noon. She is the author of two books translated into more than 24 languages.
With Andrew Upton, Cate Blanchett has been Co-Artistic Director of Sydney Theatre Company since January 2008. For the Company, she has previously performed in Hedda Gabler, Sweet Phoebe, Kafka Dances, Top Girls and Oleanna and has directed The Year of Magical Thinking, Blackbird and A Kind of Alaska. Other theatre credits include productions with the Almeida, London, Company B and Griffin. She will also perform in STC's forthcoming The War of the Roses as part of Sydney and Perth Festivals in early 2009. Sydney Theatre Company's A Streetcar Named Desire is part of the 2009 Main Stage program to be announced in full in September 2008.
Photo Credit Retna Ltd.