The comedy musical, Christmas In Hell recently premiered at the York Theatre Company in New York City, bringing plenty of laughs from the crowds with ridiculous musical numbers all done with a live band.
The story revolves around young Davin (Elijah Rayman), who eats the forbidden (old) fruit cake passed around by the family, and lands him in the hospital. But while his father, Richard (Scott Ahearn) sits by his side believing Davin is in a coma, the young boy has journeyed down to hell where he meets the Devil (Brandon Williams) himself. It is up to Davin's father to go through hell's gates to save his son, all while coming across some interesting characters, both good and bad, and a deal that is made that could make everything go from bad to worse.
While the tale is funny, with hilarious songs like "When Your Hands Are Too Big," and "Hell Will Be Heaven With You," the musical isn't only here for a good laugh. It deals with family, especially the tight bond a child has with his father. In the midst of all the silliness, this show presents a solid understanding of unconditional love and the lengths we go for those we care about the most.
Christmas In Hell runs from December 4-30th at York Theatre Company.
(Photo courtesy of York Theatre Company/Carol Rosegg)