Westchester Broadway is a dinner theatre. It's a strange feeling to be eating a dinner roll while watching the Von Trapp family sing, but it's also a cool and unique way to see a show and worth trying with your child. Plus, if you're a Soap Dish buff, you can say things like, "Five minutes, Mr. Loman!" and have it really resonate.
One of the coolest parts of this show has been and continues to be the kids, and the night we went we were thoroughly entertained by the Von Trapp troop of six (Liesl is always played by a young adult). The children, except Liesl, are double cast, so you can't be sure who you'll see when you go.This production was cool enough for my nine year old to stay awake until almost eleven PM....there's a loooooong intermission to allow time to eat dessert. There was fresh humor that I hadn't before discovered (after the Captain denies Leisl a taste of her "first champagne", Max gives her a little wink and some non-verbal assurance that he's got her covered) and a chorus of (I believe) only six nuns doing the work of twenty without breaking a sweat.