Based on the short story by Isak Dinesen (and made famous by the 1987 Academy Award-winning film), Babette's Feast will play its final performance Sunday May 13th, at the Theatre at Saint Clement's (423 West 46th Street, between Ninth & Tenth Avenues). Babette's Feast will have played 14 previews and 56 regular performances.
Julia Beardsley O'Brien/Spikenard & Marigold and Mark Rodgers & Caroline Lucas/More Partnerships, in association with Jennifer Carolyn King & Timothy Fredel/Rugged Elegance Foundation, The Cook Trust, The Gardner Family, Scott & Kerry Hasenbalg/Redemptive Ventures, and Demi & Dave Kiersznowski/Common Good present the Off-Broadway premiere. Babette's Feast is directed by Karin Coonrod. "It has been an incredible journey, and we're grateful for all everyone has done to launch this beautiful and important play onto the world stage in New York," said the producers. This new theatrical adaptation of Babette's Feast premiered in January at Portland Stage Company in Portland, Maine. Conceived and developed by Abigail Killeen and written by Rose Courtney based on the beloved Dinesen short story, the play is an adaptation of the story of Babette, a French refugee, who finds asylum in a pious Norwegian village. With boundless generosity, she throws a lavish feast that becomes an agent of transformative grace. Babette's Feast is a bundle of exciting contradictions: stark and lush, stunning and austere, mysterious and comic. Further, it is timely with a twist: Babette's Feast highlights the plight of a refugee seeking asylum, who through her munificence creates a lavish feast that becomes an abundant experience of forgiveness and connection, healing the fractured community. Babette's Feast shows how embracing the stranger changes a community for the better - an important message for today.Videos