The homeless have been subjects of NYC stage productions before. But a new musical opening off-Broadway next week is the first to invite homeless folks as guests of honor for dinner and a show. New York Times best-selling author and famed "Peace Troubadour" James Twyman presents "Brother Sun, Sister Moon," his one-man musical on the life of Francis of Assisi, at The Church in the Village Feb. 20 to March 1. Contact me for interview requests and read on for details.
What would St. Francis do? Feed the homeless, says James Twyman in his new musical opening next week off-Broadway
Author of the New York Times best-seller "The Moses Code," James has spent decades studying the life and teachings of St. Francis and was recently ordained a Franciscan Hermit. Committed to bringing St. Francis and his teachings to life, James has been traveling across America without money or transportation, trusting in the goodness and generosity of people he meets while performing in 17 cities. Read what audience members in Auburn, N.Y., say about the show.
Committed to the saint's values of love for all and support for those in need, James and his volunteers will feed the homeless in a night of physical and soul nourishment at each of the off-Broadway shows. It's part of his effort to make the saint's teachings relevant today, more than 800 years after Francis gave up a life of wealth and privilege to serve the poor.
"I have a team of people who'll join me around the theater and we'll be handing out free tickets to homeless men and women, inviting them to come to the show as our guests," James says. "Then before each performance begins we'll share a meal of soup and bread together, both the paid ticket holders as well as the guests.
"I want to get as close to how St. Francis would have done this as possible," he says. "He would have wanted people of every group to come together, not just those who can afford the ticket."
James Twyman is a New York Times best-selling author, film producer and internationally famed "Peace Troubadour." Inspired by the life of St. Francis of Assisi, he's traveling the U.S. penniless presenting his new one-man musical, "Brother Sun, Sister Moon," culminating with off-Broadway shows serving the homeless Feb. 20-March 1.