American Games, a new play written by Kevin Slack and directed by Phil Blechman, opens tonight, September 3, 2013 at The American Theater of Actors (314 West 54th Street, New York). Produced by Five Point Productions, a Production Company made up of recent Syracuse University graduates, American Games opens the 2013 Araca Project.
The cast features Taylor C. Hays as Patrick Hayes, Matt Maretz as Henry Wool, TJ Clark as Howard Kissel, Hayley Palmaer as Cheryl Seager,John Walter as John Wool, Chelsea Niven as Laura Hargrove, Gabriel D. Wright as Jason McKittredge, Sam Platizky as Rick Cashner andMalcolm Yancey as Roy Russell.
The creative team includes set design by Ellie Engstrom, costume design by Simon Brett, lighting design by Joel Behrman and sound design by Andrew Sowers.
American Games is the story of baseball phenom Henry Wool, widely considered to be the greatest pitching prospect in the history of the sport and the subject of vast speculation, analysis, and media hype. When he decides to hang it up for good, Henry must deal with the consequences of fame, love, power, and history.
The show will play Tuesday, September 3 - Thursday, September 5 at 7:00pm, Friday, September 6 and Saturday, September 7 at 8:00pm with 2:00pm matinees on Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8. Tickets, which cost $20, can be purchased online by visiting
The Araca Project is an initiative of The Araca Group and Syracuse University. This year, the University of Michigan, Northwestern University and Florida State University join SU and The Araca Group's commitment to early career development.
By giving artists the opportunity to take on the full artistic and fiscal responsibilities of producing their work Off-Broadway, The Araca Project endeavors to embolden these artists to recognize the power of the entrepreneurial spirit in shaping one's artistic destiny. For more information on the Araca Project, visit
Five Point Productions is a not-for-profit theatrical Production Company launched with a simple mission: to produce the work of emerging playwrights and to create artistically compelling theatre for our audiences. Founded in 2013 by Syracuse University alumni, Five Point Productions hopes to continue working with young artists to push the boundaries of what theatre can be and what it can accomplish. Their first New York undertaking will be American Games, premiering Off-Broadway in September at The American Theatre for Actors. Visit for more information.