Every year in
The Pulse Ensemble has been creating inspired outdoor theatre since 1997. Produced as part of the Harlem Week Festival, "A Midsummer Nights' Dream" continues this tradition of environment-based re-imaginings, and in the process creates one hour, forty-five minute work that is mesmerizing for children while being entertaining for adults. Various styles of music have been interpolated into the script, which helps to keep the energy up for the younger audience members. Although the night breezes in the park caused some microphone problems, the clear evening sky over the flower-festooned urban playground (designed by Ruben Arana Downs) set a mood of child-like wonder.
But what is a stage without players? And playful players they are. The battling fairy royals, Oberon (played commandingly by Steve Lloyd) and Titania (the powerful and lovely Shirine Babb) are played as
This "Midsummer" was originally intended as part of a full summer workshop for children and teens, but this year funding proved inadequate. This is true shame. Lets' hope next year will see the Pulse Ensemble able to reach out to the community with creative productions like this one, and workshops as well.