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Jo Strømgren Kompani: The Border show poster

Jo Strømgren Kompani: The Border at Den Norske Opera & Ballett

Dates: (8/5/2014 - 8/8/2014 )


Den Norske Opera & Ballett

Kirsten Flagstads pl. 1
Oslo,Østlandet 0150

Phone: +47 21 42 21 21

Tickets: 100 NOK - 300 NOK

Running Time: 1 hour No breaks

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  3. Jo Strømgren Kompani: The Border

A man and a woman share a workplace. They respect each other, but beneath the surface a territorial struggle is taking place. It is a struggle against emotional addition: to the game itself and to each other. With a little imagination, yet another level of understanding is possible. Could this troublesome coexistence resemble a classic border dispute between two nations?

Jo Strømgren Kompani has toured The Border in Russia, South Africa, China, Denmark, Finland and Macedonia – as well as in Norway, where it was well-received throughout the country:

«Sexy, challenging and entertaining work from Jo Strømgren,» said Rana Blad. «A gem of a performance,» was the verdict of Fædrelandsvennen, which gave it six out of six.

Cast and Creative team for Jo Strømgren Kompani: The Border at Den Norske Opera & Ballett

Script, direction, choreography, set design and costumes: Jo Strømgren
Music: Tauno Palo, Viljo Vesterinen, Jean Sibelius, Tamara Lund, Armas Järnefelt, Wayne Shanklin, Maria Tanase and Matti Viljainen
Lighting design: Stephen Rolfe
Sound design: Lars Årdal
Photography: Knut Bry
Cast: Sigrid Edvardsson, Jo Strømgren


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