Like past New Line shows Urinetown and Bat Boy, this is one of the silliest shows about important things St. Louis has ever seen -- like a crazy cocktail of Rocky Horror and Star Trek -- and we know audiences will have a blast sharing this smart, subversive piece of rock theatre with us.
Ever feel like our world is getting more dangerous every day? Like technology is advancing faster than our ability to control it? If so, you're not alone. So come back to the future with us! The future of the 1950s, that is, when the atomic bomb had everyone scared of Mad Scientists and the ever lurking dangers of Science Run Amok. Fear was one of the main staples of 1950s sci-fi -- fear of science, fear of sex, fear of the Russians, fear of The Bomb. It was a time when the most innocent lab experiments could result in giant monster bugs and mutated humans... or so the movies told us... And the only thing Americans feared more than Russia and the atom was rock and roll...