Wayside Theatre Artistic Director, Warner Crocker announced today the Open Call Auditions for Christmas musical for Wayside Theatre's 2009 Holiday Season, the remainder of the season and future shows. Auditions are scheduled for October 12, 13 and 14, 2009 for Equity and Non-Equity and children.
Auditions will be held at Wayside Theatre in Middletown, VA on Monday October 12, and Tuesday, October 13 from 12:00 noon to 9:00 PM and Wednesday, October 14 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Individuals interested in trying-out need to call (540) 869-1776 to schedule a 5 minute time slot.
Equity and Non-Equity adults will be auditioning for Christmas production, the rest of the season and future shows. Adults need to prepare two contrasting monologues and sing 16 bars of a song, accompanist is provided. Mr. Crocker said, "We need of all age ranges for "Miracle on 34th Street. Children auditioning for the Christmas production may memorize a monologue 30-60 seconds long or read a poem or story and sing their favorite Christmas song a cappella. Rehearsals will begin in early November and the musical will run from November 28 through December 27, 2009.
For more information, visit our website www.waysidetheatre.org or please call (540) 869-1776 to schedule an audition.