This month marks the public announcement of Virginia Stage Company's (VSC) Centennial Campaign to renovate the historic Wells Theatre. All are invited to join us for the premiere unveiling of our exciting plans for The Wells Theatre.
Today, September 9, 2015, Virginia Stage Company will host a kickoff event to launch the final leg of the Centennial Campaign. Renovations will begin in late March 2016 and will include expanding the restrooms and adding casual seating areas, a new theater lobby lounge/bar, and a row of enlarged seats. To increase show quality, improvements to sound, lighting, and stage-rigging technology will also be undertaken. All of this is made possible through support provided by more than 130 generous donors, including Patricia and Douglas Perry, who provided the lead charitable gift for this project which has helped us raise more than $3.5 million dollars to date, 86% of our $4 million goal. The Wells Theatre has stood as a downtown Norfolk landmark for over 100 years and has been under the stewardship of Virginia Stage Company for the past 35 years, having served more than 2 million patrons since its last renovation, which was 30 years ago. The Theatre maintains the Beaux Arts design style from its inception, and VSC is committed to preserving that character while welcoming much need renovations.Videos