Swift Creek Mill Theatre presents The Woman In Black, A Ghost Play Adapted by Stephen Mallatratt.
September 14 - October 21, 2017
The power of storytelling is on full display in this theatrical spine- chiller about the woman in black who haunts the neighborhood where her child was killed. Anyone who sees her dies! This show has been running in London for 27 years, and only a select few American theatres have been granted license to produce it - including Swift Creek Mill Theatre! The British press said it right: "Don't go unless you like being scared out of your wits!" "A truly nerve-shredding experience!" "The chills are irresistibly effective... a delicious spell of malevolence and menace." "Guaranteed to chill the blood." www.thewomaninblack.com
Call 804-748-5203 for reservations or visit www.swiftcreekmill.com for online ticketing.