In this long-awaited sequel to the popular musical "The 1940s Radio Hour," it's Christmas Eve, 1943, and the Feddington Players are now broadcasting from a hole-in-the-wall studio in Newark, New Jersey. The company's take on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol descends into all the comedic mayhem and madness of a live radio show, resulting in a heart-warming dramatic climax.
The show is creatively envisioned as an onstage story in the style of the radio dramas so popular in the first half of the 20th century. Audience members will get to see and hear the tools and actors used to produce the sound effects and dialog while following along with the characters as they go "on the air." With a plot twist and lots of laughs, this warm and friendly crowd pleaser will charm families and groups alike.
"A 1940s Radio Christmas Carol" Book by Walton Jones Music composed and arranged by David Wohl Lyrics by Faye Greenberg
CAST Clifton Feddington Mike White William St. Claire Bill Blair Fritz Canigliaro PJ Llewellyn Charles "Cholly" Butts Kenneth Putnam Isadore "Buzz" Crenshaw Gordon Graham Jackie Sparks John Mincks Margie O'Brien Tara Callahan Carroll Judith Davenport Elisabeth Ashby Sally Simpson Claire Gates Harold J. Mullins Ian Page Toots Navarre Shellie Johnson
PRODUCTION CREDITS Director Tom Width Musical Director Shellie Johnson Lighting Designer Joe Doran Costume Designer Maura Lynch Cravey Scenic Designer Tom Width Technical Director Jason "Blue" Herbert
Opening November 17, the production runs through January 5 on Fridays, Saturdays, and select Thursdays at 8:00 pm. There are matinees select dates at 2:30 pm. Doors open for dining two hours prior to curtain. Reservations are required to dine.
Reserved tickets are $40. Senior, Military, and Student tickets are available. Add dining for $17 up to 48 hours prior to a performance. Rush tickets are sold one hour prior to performances, depending on seat availability; they range from $10-$20 and are perfect for audience members who are new to theatre or cannot schedule tickets in advance.
Swift Creek Mill is one of the oldest registered landmarks in the nation and is home to historic Swift Creek Mill Theatre, a not-for-profit that has been providing Central and Southside Virginia professional performing arts for over 50 years. "The Mill," as patrons call it, has long been a beacon for cultural arts and a trusted resource in the area. Find out more at For more information about the Mainstage Season at Swift Creek Mill Theatre, contact or call 804-748-5203.