Unrelenting, full of oh-no-you-didn't moments, and all-in, The Calamity has a style that's never stale. Prepare to be in disbelief that something made up on the spot could be so hilarious, yet relevant. You will be simply amazed by this mad dash of improv games, audience participation, and thrills.
Featuring: Jennifer Arezzo, Star Bobatoon, Jessie Burns, Ali Cheraghpour, Judi Laganga, and Scott Pafumi. Hosted by: Natasha Parnian. Stage Manager: Brittani Hal.
Tickets $10 pre-sale, $13 at the door (cash or check only). Parking is ample and free. Tickets for this event are sold exclusively through Fauquier Parks and Rec. For more information, call Fauquier County Parks and Rec at 540-422-8890. Visit our website at www.darkhorseva.com
Founded in 2009, The Dark Horse Theatre Company is a Northern Virginia area collective of performers, directors, designers, writers, visual artists, and other specialists that have come together out of a mutual desire and compulsion to develop theatrical work through the collaboration and exploration of varied mediums. We believe that theatre at it's best is a transformative experience for both audience member and performer.