Charlottesville Opera has released the following message regarding their upcoming performances and events:
In our last note to you, we said we were hopeful that we could mount our 2020 summer season and hold our gala. With Governor Northam's recent announcement of a stay at home order in place until at least June 10, our Board of Directors has had to reevaluate those plans.
Normally at this time of year we would be busy securing housing for artists and tech crew, hiring interns, making production decisions, and generally building excitement for our summer productions. With the vast uncertainty in the world right now, it is not feasible to move forward with these efforts. Unfortunately, we must delay indefinitely La Boheme and Beauty and the Beast as well as our gala Timeless Romance. We will keep in touch as our plans develop. For those of you who have already purchased your tickets, thank you, and we will work with the Paramount to offer a refund.
While we shift our immediate focus from the summer to the future, we want to thank you for your generous support of our company. You have helped provide the resources, human and financial, to deliver Great Performances, now and into the future.
Among Charlottesville Opera's most critical resources are our artists. No group has been more hurt economically in this unprecedented crisis than those in the performing arts. We are committed to help support the artists who had committed to our summer season. We have established an Artist Support Fund for these dedicated individuals to partially replace their lost fees. We would appreciate your support of this initiative. Please click HERE to make a donation today, and include a note that says "Artist Support Fund" with your donation.
It is our hope to reconnect with our wonderful artists and patrons through new, live music events as soon as conditions allow. Until then, know that we will work to fulfill our mission to bring you quality opera and musical theater productions well into the future. We look forward to seeing you soon.