Barter Theatre is providing a humorous new perspective on the American dream with "The Lemonade Stand" by Matthew Fowler. This side-splitting comedy is the first of the summer season, running May 13 to August 11.
Barrett Guyton, director of "The Lemonade Stand," is adding another hit to his outstanding productions at Barter Theatre. This performance features a remarkable cast lineup, starring Sarah Van Deusen, who is returning to the theatre after being on tour, and Nicholas Piper, who is a favorite of Barter Theatre patrons for his unforgettable performances.
"The Lemonade Stand" introduces audiences to Garret Miller, a man in modern-day suburbia experiencing a midlife crisis. After losing his job and dealing with his potentially cheating wife and his outcast brother, Garret keeps us laughing as he and Rachel, the girl next door, rediscover the American dream of owning your own business. Director Barrett Guyton explained, "Two people with a vast generational gap between them both find themselves in the midst of an existential crisis. One has aged out of his usefulness, and the other doesn't yet know what her usefulness is." This is a show that everyone will enjoy. It keeps you laughing.
"The Lemonade Stand" is made possible by Reynolds American.
To purchase tickets, please visit or call 276-628-3991. Tickets for all performances of "The Lemonade Stand" begin at just $20.
About Barter Theatre
Barter Theatre, the nation's longest running professional theatre, is located in Abingdon, Virginia. The theatre opened in 1933 during the Great Depression. Founder Robert Porterfield offered patrons admission to the theatre by bartering food and livestock. Barter Theatre was designated as the state theatre of Virginia in 1946. It exists today as one of the last year-round professional resident repertory theaters remaining in the United States. Barter Theatre is funded in part by The Virginia Commission for the Arts and The National Endowment for the Arts.