"The Producers" is hilarious and brilliant, a classic Mel Brooks comedy! Patrons are in awe of the beautiful costumes and set; while the choreography and music is breathtaking and full of laughter. See "The Producers" on Gilliam Stage, starring Sean Maximo Campos, Rusty Allen, Ashley Campos and more.
In a review of "The Producers," Bonny Gable says, "The crowning touch to this bedazzling display is the dynamite ensemble of fabulously versatile actors who sing, dance, and play the plethora of zany characters it takes to tell this uproarious story." Barter Theatre's all-star cast brings their A-game to stage the entire show.
We encourage you to join us for this year's biggest comedy at Barter Theatre. "Its humor is at times irreverent, but in a most delicious way. The many spit-take worthy moments make this a knee-slapping, belly-laugh-until-you-hurt kind of play. Which, in a world where reality sometimes makes no sense at all, is a welcome remedy."
To purchase tickets, visit bartertheatre.com or call the box office at 276-628-3991. Tickets start at just $20!