"Big Fish," a tale of a father, a son and larger-than-life adventures, hits the Barter stage overflowing with heart, humor and spectacular stagecraft. Author Daniel Wallace will visit Abingdon to attend the opening of "Big Fish" and speak at the Washington County Public Library on March 6. Wallace's internationally popular work has been transformed into a Tim Burton film, a Broadway musical and, now, a Barter Theatre production.
This whimsical, touching, Southern story centers on Edward Bloom, a man filled with anything-but-average stories of giants, witches and a big-top circus. Edward's stories thrill everyone around him, except his son Will. As the birth of his own child approaches, Will becomes determined to find the truth behind his father's big fish tales.
Edward tirelessly encourages Will to "be the hero of your story," a message that resonates through his exaggerated yarns. This heartfelt father-son journey will connect powerfully with audiences because of the deep exploration of family relationships told with both humor and care.
Producing Artistic Director Richard Rose, who will direct "Big Fish," said, "Behind every big fish story is an element of truth. Behind every created myth and legend, there is something that really happened. Life is to be cherished and captured, not with fear, but with wonder and excitement. These tellers of tales to just that." Follow Will as he discovers the truth behind his father's own big fish moments.
"Big Fish" features Nicholas Piper as Edward and Justin Tyler Lewis as Edward's son Will. The cast will also include: Rick McVey, Annie Simpson, Nick Koesters, Joseph Matthew Veale, Sarah Laughland, Hannah Ingram, Paris Bradstreet, Carrie Smith Lewis and Josh Levinson. A youth cast including Emmitt Breeding and Parker Gray will appear alongside Barter Theatre's Resident Acting Company.
"Big Fish" is made possible by corporate sponsors CGI and Wells Fargo Advisors. Barter Theatre is funded in part by The Virginia Commission for the Arts and The National Endowment for the Arts.