Yellow Eyes"
Written By: Migdalia Cruz
Directed By: Xavier Custodio
Pay: stipend
Non-Equity Audition
Location of Production: Chicago Dramatist
June 5th 6 p.m. till 10 p.m.
June 6th 12 p.m. till 4 p.m.
June 13th 12 p.m. till 3 p.m.
"Yellow Eyes" by Migdalia Cruz tells a story of a young woman who walks the streets of the South Bronx at the risk of danger. The only safe place for Isabel is her great grandfather's home. He possesses the knowledge and wisdom that makes her proud of her cultural heritage. After learning that she is the daughter of three races- Taíno, African, and Hispanic, Isabel is empowered to articulate her diasporic identity and to wisely handle her racially mixed circle of friends.
Character Breakdown
Don José Maria Sotillo- (Looking for Males between the ages of 40 and up) An Afro-Puerto Rican man of 112 years old who survived slavery and loves to tell stories. Born in 1859.
Doña Ana Cecilia Sandoval de Sotillo-(Looking for Females between the ages of 40 and up.) A Puerto Rican woman of 99 years old who sometimes forget who she really is but is always sure of whom she likes.
Isabel Nieves- (Looking for Females between the ages of 18 and 28, who could play younger) Don José & Doña Ana 13 Years old Great-Granddaughter; hungry for history; curious and precocious. Born in 1958.
Ian Durant- (Looking for Males between the ages of 18 and 28, who could play for younger) Isabel's 14 year-old boyfriend, African-American, cool in that early 70's way, big attitude, wants to be an actor.
Sandra McNair- (Looking for Females between the ages of 18 and 28,who could play for younger). Isabel's 13 year-old friend. African-American, sweet, straightforward, originally from North Carolina.
Medianoche- (Looking for Females between the ages of 18 and 28, who could play for younger.) José Maria's mother. A 13 year-old slave in 1859 Puerto Rico.
What to prepare
Please prepare two contrasting monologues that do not exceed two minutes each and appeals to the style of "Yellow Eyes"
Time Commitment:
Rehearsals will be begin Mid-July through August.
Tech Rehearsal will begin August 31
Performance Dates: Sept 4,5,6,10,11,12,13, 18,19, 20
Contact Info
Please email your Headshot, Resume, and Audition Availability to
More information at