Auditions for The Adventures of Molly Whuppie: a musical, based on Appalachian Folk Tales by Anne Shelby. Directed by Megan Burnett.
This story is similar to “Jack” tales that we grew up hearing. This is a “Jill” tale and focuses on the adventures and bravery of girls.
All roles except Molly may be played by males or females. Seeking actors of all types for these roles.
Molly: Actor 1
• Molly is a kind and loving sister who is brave and unafraid, “She ain’t a feared of nothin’ nor nobody!” She is the youngest sister, but she’s the smartest sister. She loves telling stories. She and her sisters are farm girls in the mountains and they’re strong, hardworking, and ready to have fun and sing and dance when they get the chance. She loves an adventure.
• Needs to be able to sing folk music type songs.
Polly/Poll: Actor 2
• Poll is one of Molly’s older sisters. She’s “pretty as a picture, neat as a pin and so bright they had to put a washtup over her to see if the sun was a-shining.” She works hard, but can be afraid and is easily distracted by pretty things.
• Needs to be able to sing folk music type songs.
Betts: Actor 3
• Betts is Molly’s other older sister. She’s “as good as gold, sharp as a tack, fair as a day in May.” She works hard, but can be afraid of the dark and is easily distracted by pretty things.
• Needs to be able to sing folk music type songs.
Actor 4 will play 2-4 of these characters.
Old Woman/Witch
• Sings a song that can be chanted/spoken verse style.
Please prepare a short comedic monologue, and 16 bars of a folk style song, to be sung a cappella, as some songs in the show are sung that way. Some actors may be asked to read from sides. Please indicate if you play guitar, banjo, or mandolin.
To request an audition time, please email headshot and resume to, and list any time preferences. Callbacks may be held that evening. Actors interested in the tour who are not able to attend the audition are welcome to submit via videotape. Email for additional information on these submissions.
Rehearsal period is August 4 - 14,2014 with brush up rehearsals August 29 and 30. Tour performances are scheduled for September 3 - 19. Daytime availability is required for rehearsals and performances. Actors are paid and housing is available.