“Thank Godfrey”
Written by George Ruthauser
Directed by Mark Liebert
A comedy that proves everything you believe
about reincarnation is dead wrong.
(“Thank Godfrey” has been selected for participation
in the Venus Adonis Festival/Competition in New York City.)
Auditions: November 17th and 18th at 7:30 pm
Studio Playhouse, 14 Alvin Place (off Valley Road), Montclair, NJ
adjacent to A&P on Valley Road
Rehearsals to begin December 1st in Verona, NJ.
Tech rehearsal on January 12th, 8 am – 1 pm at Robert Moss Theater in NYC
Performances at Robert Moss Theater, 440 Lafayette St., NYC:
Monday, January 12th at 6:15 pm,
Friday, January 16th at 9:00 pm, Sunday, January 18th at 4:30 pm
(A fourth performance will take place in April
if the play advances in the competition.)
No pay, non-equity.
(All ethnicities and races are encouraged)
COMMISSIONER GODFREY, a man in his mid-sixties to late-seventies, elegant, intelligent, articulate, thoughtful
ERNIE BLOOM, forties, an “everyman”, honorable but desperate
MRS. WIFFLEPOPPER, late-fifties-mid-sixties, matronly, kind-hearted, warm
EVANGELINE CARRINGTON, sixties, flamboyant in looks, dress and voice
Sides will be made available at the audition.
If you have any questions, please contact Mark Liebert
at liebertpt@gmail.com