Below is an audition announcement for an upcoming SAC 300 film......
My name is Jameson Duggan and I am a student in SAC 300 Dramatic Narrative I. This semester my group is filming 2 projects and we need actors. The first film is Sublet, a story about 3 guys looking for a new roommate and the hot girl applicant who is too good to be true. The second film is The Pitch, the story of an unmotivated student and his last ditch effort to become involved in a club on campus. Here are the character breakdowns for each film:
Andy (20-22) – A cautious and logical student, Andy looks out for his friends and questions Christie’s motives.
Christie (20-22) – Conniving with the appearance of the girl next door, Christie knows where her strengths lie and how to use them to her advantage.
Jack (20-22) – A self-proclaimed ladies man without the skills to back it up, Christie moving in is Jack’s dream come true.
Connor (20-22) – An easy-going guy, Connor is willing to go with the flow as long as snacks are provided.
Business Student (20-22) – Curt, official, on a tight schedule.
Band Geek (20-22) – Really likes being in band.
Foreign Exchange Student (20-22) – Held back by a language barrier.
Rick (20-22) - Lazy and unmotivated at the start, Rick is a guy who has the skills but needs to acquire the ambition.
Zack (20-22) – Rick’s best friend but his polar opposite, Zack is goal oriented and wants to help out his friend.
Ronald (18-20) – Arrogant with something to prove, Ronald takes his club a little too seriously.
Nelson (18-20) – High energy and eager to please, Nelson is a little too excited about joining the club.
Sublet will be filmed November 1-3 and The Pitch will be filmed November 15, 17, 22, and 23.
The scripts for both films are attached. If you are interested in being in Sublet please contact me by Wednesdaynight. If you are interested in being in The Pitch please contact me by Sunday night. My email is