Gorilla Tango Burlesque seeks a fresh full cast of eight actresses/dancers for their newest burlesque, parody production of Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi, directed by Nicole Keating and choreographed by Juicy Lucy. We will also be casting understudies for our other productions currently in open runs. Initial auditions will be dance-based with light cold readings, held on Sunday, April 6th from 7:00-10:00pm, scheduled in groups in 1-hour slots. To be considered, please email a current photo (headshot preferred), resume, and preferred audition slot to nicole.keating@gmail.com with “Burlesque Audition” in the subject line.
Audition Dates: Auditions April 6 (7:00-10:00pm in one hour slots); callbacks April 8 (7:00-10:00pm – by invitation only)
Equity/Non Equity: Non-Equity
Pay: $25/performance plus tips
Type/Restrictions: Women, 21 and over only please. Must be comfortable stripping down to pasties and panties. Women with dance, movement, or comedy background especially encouraged to submit.
Time Commitment: Rehearsals begin May 2014, evenings and weekends. Rehearsals are always scheduled based on actor availability. Jedi will run Saturdays at 10:30pm opening July 12th. Actresses may still be considered for casting even with performance conflicts. Understudy positions in ongoing shows perform Fridays or Saturdays at 9:00pm, 10:30pm, or 11:59pm depending on casting.
Material to Prepare: Audition by appointment. Please email a current photo (headshot preferred), resume, and preferred audition slot to nicole.keating@gmail.com with “Burlesque Audition” in the subject line. Arrive dressed to move; audition will consist of a dance taught day-of followed by some light cold readings. Please Note: You will not be required to strip in initial audition. If you are called back, you will be asked to perform audition dance with additional strip down to bra and panties.