Men & Young Actors Needed !!
The Main Adult Theatre
We are now “casting” for our next adult theatre production scheduled for the end of April and early May 2012. And we need a couple of Men for some character roles.
We are looking for any Men interested in acting in this performance. Experience would be great - but not necessary. Enthusiasm and dedication to the rehearsal schedule are much more important. If you, or any men you know, are over 18 years old & are interested in this fun experience, and would like to audition for our next play - please do send an e-mail ASAP to
Our Youth Theatre
This Saturday (February 4th 2012), we start our new program for our Youth Theatre.
This activity is FREE and open to any young actors from anywhere around Montreal; taught by a professional acting coach, and has a number of objectives. In addition to teaching acting skills, we try to provide these young actors with a level of self confidence and the ability to perform in public.
If you know any young people that are interested, please do send us an e-mail to (Most courses are given at the YMCA on Ash Street, in the Point, on Saturday Mornings).
The youth theatre is taught in 2 groups – a younger junior group generally consisting of young actors that are attending elementary school; and a 2ndgroup of older senior actors that are in high school – so the average ages are between about 7 and 16 years old.
Thank you for your support as our Theatre is now in its 6th year - and we hope to see you all at our next play. Details will be posted toward the end of March on our main site at: