Casting "Conversations With An Average Joe," a double-cast, open-ended political play about issues and personalities that aims to educate, expose, and entertain. Specifically seeking leads as a teacher, reporter and environmentalist, and bartender with real-life experiences as the characters in play to join with excellent cast. Just finished previews. Synopsis: "Conversations" is a timely, provocative, controversial, factual, non-partisan play on life and politics from the musings of average Joes and Janes who seem to have no one representing their interests. It tells relevant stories, accurate news reports, and exposes the dastardly deeds of those who have become in charge of our lives.
Director states: "It is open-ended, and will live and grow as the times and issues change. This play is an event that's about normal lives of average people that meet up in a bar including true experiences, but is related to the challenges, issues, uncertainties, and suspicions that dominate interactions about government, politics, and our individual future and consistently breaks the fourth wall. This a nonprofit, non-Equity play and we are offering roles of various characters that due to circumstances with increased performances that present scheduling of more actors and provide for double casting to sustain the longevity of play and allow flexibility for actors scheduling. This would require someone with excellent, quick memorization skills to be off-book ASAP. It will be a highly publicized play and we need to have quality people to work with a great cast. Script is attached with other info as well as video of previews with some very good performances that indicate improvement needed for a few roles to round out what should be an award winning cast. Do not apply unless available immediately with ease of transportation and scheduling. Be interested in the subject to identify with the character you want to represent and have dedication to want to educate the public. And very important to have social media capability to help with marketing and after off-book will meet with other cast to assist in that effort."
Rehearses Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and (6:30-9:30 p.m.) AND SAT( 1-3 in) the downtown/Battery Park area of NYC at Brookfield Place to familiarize cast with play and practice pace in an open environment with distractions After being off-book, cast moves to studio join with others for direction, blocking and getting stage ready. Seeking additional performers for when schedule expands.