All ethnicities are encouraged to audition. Age ranges listed are general guidelines, and represent the general age of the CHARACTER, not the actor.
ALADDIN (male, age 13-17) Charming, dynamic, excellent singer, must be a versatile actor that can play the funny, slick prankster as well as the romantic lead. Vocal Range: B3 - E4
GENIE (male, age open) Fast talking, scene stealing funnyman, does not need to be a strong singer and dancer, the ability to do comedy is much more important. Vocal Range: B3 - D4
JASMINE (female, age 13-17) feisty, rebellious, yet genuinely sweet and somewhat naïve, excellent singer. Vocal Range: A3 - E4
IAGO (male or female, age open) does not need to be a strong singer, comedic skills are a must. Vocal Range: Bb3 - D4
JAFAR (male, 14 plus) Jafar is our villain. Must be menacing but also comedic. Vocal Range: Ab3 - Eb4
SULTAN (male, 15 +) The Sultan should be able to play a father figure convincingly. Although a bit scattered, he needs to be able to portray love and care for Jasmine. Solo singing is not required for this role.
5 NARRATORS (male or female, age 8-17) singing and ability to speak clearly is required, comedic skills a plus. Vocal Range: B3 - C4
2 GUARDS (male or female 8-17) and RAZOUL (male 10-17) The Guards need not be the strongest singers, but do need good comedic skills and ability to carry a tune. The Guards are played as highly incompetent - always making mistakes, a la The Three Stooges. Vocal Range: C3 - E4
MAGIC CARPET (male or female, age open) great with movement and dance, gymnastic skills a plus.
VISITING PRINCES Jasmine's Suitors are a series of princes who try to impress Jasmine and win her hand in marriage through a brief dance solo.
PRINCE BABA OF GANOUSH is very full of himself. His dance is more about muscle-man poses, showing off his biceps, etc., than actual 'dance.'
PRINCE DAHDU RAHN-RAHN performs an overzealous sword dance for Jasmine. Great dancer or gymnast who is comfortable with leaps and (plastic) sword tricks or tosses.
THE PRINCE formerly known as THE ARTIST is more of a sly fox kind of character. Very Cool Cat attitude, movement skills and dance skills a plus.
ENSEMBLE (male and female, age 6-17) consists of Royal Family, Townspeople, Shop Owners, A Baker, A Matron, Harem Girls. Good actors who sing and dance well. Featured in all of the production numbers. Opportunities for many featured moments and lines for ensemble characters.