Set in December 1999, Me, My Mother and Suzy Cato follows 17-year-old Rachel as she grapples with her future amidst the chaos of Y2K. When her plans to celebrate the new millennium on the beach with friends are thwarted by her mother’s insistence on hiding in an apocalypse bunker, Rachel turns to beloved children’s entertainer Suzy Cato for guidance. Written and performed by Florence Hartigan, this darkly comedic one-woman show reflects on the complexities of family and the anxiety of the era, blending nostalgia with personal storytelling. Hartigan draws from her own childhood experiences, exploring the tension between parental protection and the search for independence.
Dead Inside
Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre (2/13 - 2/13) | ||
The New World Tour
Spark Arena (1/28 - 2/28) | ||
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