Classic Christchurch comedy show Scared Scriptless is turning 28 this year and celebrating in style by hosting a very special birthday party.
"Scared Scriptless is old. Really, really old. As an original member I'm pleased as punch that Scriptless has made this milestone," says Ross Gumbley, Artistic Director of The Court Theatre.
To celebrate its birthday, Scared Scriptless is throwing a party the only way it knows how - by putting on a show. Two shows, in fact, both at 8pm with a discounted ticket price of just $15.
"It's all the fun of Scared Scriptless at a slightly more accessible showtime with a very special price," Artistic Director of The Court Jesters, Dan Bain, says.
Scared Scriptless regularly runs at The Court Theatre every Friday and Saturday night at 10:15pm.
"It's nice, every now and then, to bring Scriptless to a time where it can still be Scriptless - a little bit chaotic and a little bit naughty - but gives the opportunity for people to see the show who can't be out until 11:30pm because they live in Amberley or have to get up and do kids sports or whatever," Bain says.
Scared Scriptless has the good fortune of having its birthday in New Zealand Theatre Month, a celebration aiming to raise awareness and appreciation for all kinds of New Zealand Theatre - including improv comedy.
Cake is on the menu for this birthday bonanza, along with two big, funny shows.
"The difference between Scared Scriptless and Scared Scriptless Birthday Bash is the difference between performing to 100 people vs 300 people, which creates quite a different show. People should come and be part of that," Bain says.
Scared Scriptless Birthday Bash runs for two nights only on the 7th & 8th September at 8pm.
Bookings: phone 03 963 0870 or visit