This year New Zealand's longest running late night comedy show is celebrating its twenty fifth year at The Court Theatre. Since it was established in 1991 Scared Scriptless has gone through a number of changes but still remains essentially the same; late night improvised comedy based on the suggestions of the audience.
In 2014 Artistic Director Dan Bain changed the focus of Saturday night's show to push the performers even harder. "Friday will always be what Christchurch knows and loves about Scriptless: short, improvised games and scenes, played fast and risky. But with a company that has the experience within it that we have, it would be a waste to not make the performers work at their peak. So, last year on Saturdays we started improvising entire plays" says Bain.
Shows like Scriptless: The Musical, Djesters Unchained and Soapland Street pushed the company into new territory and provided multiple sell-out evenings.
This year's Saturday season opens with the return of the fan favourite Soapland Street. Both audiences and performers responded well to being able to come back week after week to see, and to influence, the next chapter in the story of the increasingly dysfunctional Soapland Street hospital. It was a no brainer to bring it back - for double the episodes!" says Bain.
Other highlights of the upcoming season include Pirates! The Musical which Bain describes as "A full length musical about... um... pirates." And you are the Superhero. An audience member will star in the show as the hero the city needs.
"We may be twenty five years old and pushing into new forms of work, but at heart we're still immature. I think that's why the show's lasted as long as it has. And why we've got such great skin."
Scared Scriptless returns on the 30th of January at 10:15pm. Limited capacity seating. Book at