Young Jack Robinson discovers a giant world of adventure in The Court Theatre's latest kids show, JACK AND THE BEANSTALK, playing from January 18 to January 30.
Playwright Brendon Bennetts has created a "playful and adventurous" adaptation of the beloved children's tale, which director Jon Pheloung describes as "fast-paced and lots of fun". JACK AND THE BEANSTALK incorporates magic tricks and puppetry into the performance to tell the story in an exciting new way.
Javier Jarquin plays Jack, a young boy with "more enthusiasm than common sense" who trades the family cow for some magic beans, much to the chagrin of his mother (Kathleen Burns). When an enormous beanstalk grows the next day, Jack climbs up to find a land ruled by the dim-witted giant Blunderbore (Dan Bain).
JACK AND THE BEANSTALKJACK AND THE BEANSTALK opens on January 18th at The Court Theatre. All tickets are $8; book at The Court Theatre Box Office: 963 0870 or online at