Live at Six is a newsroom thriller, examining the intense rivalry between New Zealand's two major television news programs. When a scandalous video of one TV News anchor is leaked online, the competing stations use the same footage to create two vastly different news stories, each pushing their individual agendas and racing towards that 6pm deadline - all in real time and live on stage.
Themes of rivalry and manipulation are expressed visually in the editing process as the editors struggle under real time pressure to reach the deadline, the rest of the cast must contend with newsroom politics, exploited friendships and fraying tempers. The same question is on everyone's mind: who leaked this video, and why?
Live at Six is written by Dean Hewison & Leon Wadham, directed by Conrad Newport, and stars Grant Roa (Whale Rider), Phil Grieve (Bridge to Terabithia, King Kong), Michele Amas (Duggan), Phil Vaughan (What Now, Big Wednesday) and Nathan Meister (Black Sheep, Under the Mountain).
Live at Six runs through Saturday October 31 (no show Sun/Mon) at 8PM. Tickets: $20 full / $13 Concession & groups (10+)
Special Preview night this Friday: All tickets $10.
Click here for more information and to book tickets.