Fringe 2010: Jangle
By Mitch Tawhi Thomas
Sunday 14 - Thursday 18 February @ 6.30PM
TIckets: $16 full / $13 concession / $12 Fringe Addicts
Meet Toby. He's in a lot of trouble, he's falling apart, has just run away from his Hare Krishna temple and desperately needs some onion and garlic in his life. Toby has seriously snapped! Hiding out in an alleyway, come see what happens when Buddha goes on a bender and Krishna has gone crazy.
A theatrical response to Bill Hammond's painting Jingle Jangle Morning. Mitch Tawhi Thomas and mind boggling comedian Guy Capper bring you a darkly funny tale about Toby, a troubled man fleeing from his Hare Krisna group. Featuring Clare Wilson (Vienna Verona), a haunting live soundtrack by Jhan Lindsay, and genius lights by Jennifer Lal.
BATS Theatre, 1 Kent Terrace, Wellington, Aotearoa
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