The Falling and the Rising centers around a strong female hero known only as "Soldier." After sending a video message home on the eve of her daughter's thirteenth birthday, our soldier is severely wounded by a roadside IED. Doctors quickly place her in an induced coma to help minimize the extensive trauma to her brain. The soldier must now make an arduous journey towards both healing and home. The Falling and the Rising chronicles the imagined journey of a soldier suspended inside a coma. We follow as she makes her way through a miraculous coma-induced dreamscape - oi??ne punctuated with the lives of other fellow service members. Together, they must move toward clarity, comfort, consciousness, and communal hope during a time of adversity. This operatic soldier's odyssey was created in the hopes of capturing the indomitable spirit of our U.S. military veterans and to shed light on the inspirational power of their often overlooked stories. The Falling and the Rising is a story of family, service, and sacrifice inside a period of great uncertainty.
This music drama is free and open to the public but you must have a ticket to enter as seating is limited.
Please call the box office at (504) 885-2000 or click the link below to secure your seat.