The Tennessee Williams Theatre Company of New Orleans, a brand-new production company, presents Kingdom of Earth, Tennessee Williams' darkly comic thriller. The harrowing production stars local actors Kate Kuen as Myrtle, Sean Richmond as Chicken and David Williams as Lot and will be presented July 31-August 16 at the Metropolitan Community Church of New Orleans (6200 St Charles Avenue). It is directed by Co-Artistic Director Augustin J Correro.
"This play is visceral and terrifying" says TWTC Co-Artistic Director Nick Shackleford. "We want to show the audience a captivating view of Tennessee Williams, which honors the text and the vivid, expressionistic elements--this is Tennessee Williams in a way you may have never seen, but that we're sure you'll love."
Kingdom illustrates a battle of will between two half brothers in a Mississippi Delta farmhouse on the eve of a flood. Trapped in the middle is one brother's wife, torn between desire and duty. The three-character play touches on themes of redemption, race, mortality, and sexuality. Like so many of Williams' plays, Kingdom of Earth holds a glaring mirror to universal truths. This will be the first of many productions the company will present by America's greatest playwright.
"The play strikes at the heart of human nature: both the dark and snarly, and the hysterically funny. Tennessee Williams knew how to write fully fleshed-out characters, and we can't wait to present them to the New Orleans audience!" says director Augustin J Correro.
Performances will take place Friday-Sunday at 8:00p.m. from July 31 through August 16. The Tennessee Williams Theatre Company of New Orleans will be presenting Kingdom of Earth in a partnership with the