Renowned stage director Steve Scott has been slated to direct JPAS's production of the hilarious musical comedy "How to Kill a Diva" that opens on May 24 at the Westwego Performing Arts Theatre. The producer at Chicago's Goodman Theatre for over 30 years, Scott is currently a member of the Goodman's Artistic Collective. The Goodman Theatre has won international praise for the quality of its productions including a Tony Award as the nation's outstanding regional theatre.
Scott has directed several plays for The Goodman Theatre, as well as for many of Chicago's other theatre companies. He is the recipient of six Jeff Award nominations (Chicago's version of the Tony Award) and in 2017 received a special Jeff Award for Career Achievement. He is also the recipient of the League of Chicago Theatre's Lifetime Achievement Award and the Illinois Theatre Association's Award of Honor.Founded in 1978 by Maestro Dennis G. Assaf and Hannah Cunningham, the Jefferson Performing Arts Society is a non-profit professional arts organization whose mission is to promote arts performance, training, and outreach by providing a diverse range of quality programs that entertain, educate and enrich the cultural and economic vitality of Jefferson Parish, Greater New Orleans and the Gulf South.