This three part Zoom broadcast series brings you into the action of the theatre's magical holiday production.
Baton Rouge Ballet Theatre presents The Nutcracker - A Tale from the Bayou!
This three part Zoom broadcast series brings you into the action of the theatre's magical holiday production. Each day will introduce another part of the Nutcracker with storytelling, watching and learning favorite parts of the show, dancing along with the ballerinas, plus crafting and enjoying treats that correspond to the dances you've learned! You'll also see actual video of The Nutcracker - A Tale from the Bayou to match your skills with the dancers onstage!
The 3-part series costs $125 or $45 per episode and includes the crafts and treats for each day. Your treat and craft package can be picked up the week preceding the first session for the series or the week prior to the episode of your choice. Additional charge for extra package purchase. The Zoom link will be emailed to you on the day of each episode and a recording of the event will be emailed to participants to enjoy for a week.
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