This hilarious, two-act comedy pulls us into the world of a resort-style bed and breakfast lodge in rural Georgia run by Betty Meeks and a small cast of eccentric characters. The Foreigner is the leading man who is too shy to talk and his friend explains that he is simply foreign and speaks no English. But he earns the trust of each member of the family, who we learn all have a secret to tell - and they want to tell it to him! Hailed as "a charming comedy about the magic of kindness" by Chicago Theater Beat, The Foreigner features some of the funniest physical humor and wordplay you'll ever see on stage.
This comedy is suitable for all audiences.
March 7th- March 30th
Fridays & Saturdays at 8:00pm and Sundays at 2:00pm
Special Engagement on Sunday March 23rd at 7:00pm
Tickets: $28.00
May be purchased by phone at (856)384-8381, online at or at the Theatre box office.
Broadway Theatre of Pitman
43 S. Broadway
Pitman, NJ 08071
phone: 856-384-8381
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