This Disney musical tells the story of Jack Kelly, a rebellious newsboy who dreams of a life as an artist away from the big city. After publishing giant Joseph Pulitzer raises newspaper prices at the newsboys’ expense, Kelly and his fellow newsies take action. With help from the beautiful female reporter Katherine Plumber, all of New York City soon recognizes the power of “the little man.”
July 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, Aug 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 at 8:00 PM
July 30, Aug. 1, 6, 8, 13 at 2:00 PM
Ladies of Laughter
Bergen PAC (2/3 - 2/3) | ||
Broadway Through the Ages
Westfield High School Auditorium (12/31 - 1/1) | ||
The Firebird with Xian Zhang
Count Basie Center for the Arts (3/8 - 3/8) | ||
Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Concert
State Theatre New Jersey (4/13 - 4/13) | ||
The Hook
Warner Theater (7/21 - 12/31) | ||
Jean-Yves Thibaudet Plays Ravel
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (1/11 - 1/11) | ||
Broadway for the Holidays 4
Grunin Center for the Arts (12/12 - 12/22) | ||
A Case for the Existence of God
Luna Stage (2/20 - 3/16) | ||
The Simon & Garfunkel Story
State Theatre New Jersey (2/7 - 2/7) | ||
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