A traditional production of one of the most beloved of all operas, Puccini’s Madama Butterfly premiered in 1904 and has enthralled audiences ever since. This timeless opera tells the tragic story of Cio-Cio-San, a young Japanese woman who falls in love with an American naval officer, B.F. Pinkerton. As she waits faithfully for his return, her unwavering devotion clashes with the harsh realities of betrayal and abandonment. With its breathtaking melodies and powerful themes of hope, longing, and heartbreak, Madama Butterfly not only captivates opera enthusiasts but also invites newcomers to experience the profound emotional depth of this classic tale. This production will feature internationally renowned soloists and the Light Opera of New Jersey Orchestra under the direction of Maestro Jason Tramm.
Madama Butterfly (2/8/25-2/9/25)
Sieminski Theater at the Cultural Arts Center of Fellowship Village is at POB 402, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920, Basking Ridge, NJ.
L'Elisir d'Amore (11/8/24-11/9/24)
The Barber of Seville (2/18/24-2/18/24)
Don Giovanni (2/27/23-2/27/23)
Ladies of Laughter
Bergen PAC (2/3 - 2/3) | ||
Broadway Through the Ages
Westfield High School Auditorium (12/31 - 1/1) | ||
Xian Conducts Mozart
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (5/18 - 5/18) | ||
Handel's Messiah
Richardson Auditorium at Princeton University (12/20 - 12/20) | ||
Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Concert
State Theatre New Jersey (4/13 - 4/13) | ||
Fade - Play by Tanya Sarracho
Vanguard Theater Company (3/27 - 4/6) | ||
The Gift of the Magi: A modern adaptation of the O. Henry story
Cape May Stage (11/20 - 12/29) | ||
The Shark is Broken
George Street Playhouse (4/29 - 5/18) | ||
Tito Nieves
State Theatre New Jersey (2/15 - 2/15) | ||
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