Adapted from the beloved 1990 film, Ghost the Musical premiered on stage in 2011. The musical retains the core story of Sam and Molly, a young couple whose world is shattered by Sam's untimely death. Trapped as a ghost, Sam seeks a way to connect with Molly and protect her from danger. Enter Oda Mae Brown, a psychic who unwittingly becomes Sam's bridge to the living world.
Ghost the Musical features a blend of romance, suspense, and humor. The stage production incorporates special effects to create a visually stunning experience, and of course, it includes the iconic "Unchained Melody" alongside original music by Dave Stewart and Glen Ballard. If you enjoyed the emotional rollercoaster of the film, Ghost the Musical promises a captivating live theater experience.
Ladies of Laughter
Bergen PAC (2/3 - 2/3) | ||
Broadway Through the Ages
Westfield High School Auditorium (12/31 - 1/1) | ||
FRONTIERS – The Ultimate Tribute to Journey
Sieminski Theater (4/26 - 4/26) | ||
A Case for the Existence of God
Luna Stage (2/20 - 3/16) | ||
The Firebird with Xian Zhang
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (3/9 - 3/9) | ||
Vadim Gluzman Plays Brahms
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (3/23 - 3/23) | ||
Rachmaninoff Symphony No. 2
Richardson Auditorium at Princeton University (3/14 - 3/14) | ||
Carolyn Dorfman Dance to Perform at 92nd Street Y
Harkness Dance Center (1/12 - 1/12) | ||
New Jersey Symphony Chamber Players
Sieminski Theater (6/22 - 6/22) | ||
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