In a magical kingdom fathoms below, a beautiful young mermaid longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. Adapted from Disney’s 2008 Broadway production, this show features the hit songs "Part of Your World," "She’s in Love," and the Oscar-winning "Under the Sea."
Annie (12/6/24-12/15/24)
Brundage Park Playhouse is at 2 Bungalow Ln, Randolph, NJ.
Cabaret (1998 Version) (10/18/24-10/27/24)
Cabaret (10/18/24-10/27/24)
Disney's Moana Jr. (8/23/24-9/1/24)
Disney’s THE LITTLE MERMAID (7/19/24-7/28/24)
Barefoot in the Park (5/24/24-6/2/24)
Godspell-2012 Revised Version (3/15/24-3/24/24)
Carrie: The Musical (10/6/23-10/15/23)
Disney's Beauty And The Beast (6/30/23-7/9/23)
Lost In Yonkers (3/10/23-2/19/23)
Gypsy: A Musical Fable (1/20/23-1/29/23)
Ladies of Laughter
Bergen PAC (2/3 - 2/3) | ||
Broadway Through the Ages
Westfield High School Auditorium (12/31 - 1/1) | ||
Abigail Rockwell: A Norman Rockwell Bedford Falls Christmas Concert
Cape May Stage (12/15 - 12/15) | ||
Jean-Yves Thibaudet Plays Ravel
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (1/11 - 1/11) | ||
A Christmas Carol
Grunin Center for the Arts (12/7 - 12/7) | ||
A Case for the Existence of God
Luna Stage (2/6 - 3/2) | ||
Brahms and Chopin
State Theatre New Jersey (2/23 - 2/23) | ||
The Shark is Broken
George Street Playhouse (4/29 - 5/18) | ||
The Nutcracker
State Theatre New Jersey (12/22 - 12/22) | ||
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