Trevor Noah the host of Comedy Central's The Daily Show makes his NJPAC debut Friday, March 31, 2017 at 8pm in Prudential Hall located at 1 Center Street in Newark, NJ. Don't miss Trevor Noah who hosted numerous television shows in his native country, including South Africa's music, television and film awards, the South African Comedy Festival and two seasons of his own late night talk show. He had his U.S. television debut on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" and has also appeared on "Late Show with David Letterman," becoming the first South African stand-up comedian to appear on either late night show. He's currently the host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central. He brings his stand-up show to NJPAC Friday, March 31, 2017. Be sure to reserve your tickets Friday, January 13th at 10AM at or 888.GO.NJPAC (888.466.5722) or by visiting the Box Office.
Group Sales
One Center Street
Newark, New Jersey 07102 or 888.GO.NJPAC (888.466.5722)
Twitter: @NJPAC
Hashtag: #NJPACmusic
Youtube: NJPACtv
Location and Directions:
NJPAC is located at 1 Center Street, Newark, New Jersey; a short walk from the Newark Penn Station stop by Newark-bound PATH Train or Amtrak.